Saturday, October 08, 2011

1/2 year old and full of tricks!

OH man, our little man seems to be in a hurry already!  He wants to be mobile already. What we love about you at 6 months old:
- You love to pull hair and eat it! You seem to love Reese's the best!
- You can do a 360 on your belly
- You are most happy when someone is talking to you.
- You have the BIGGEST smile
- You are really ticklish
- You love to give big SLOBBERY kisses
- We love your laugh
- I have already cut your hair twice!!
- You melt everyones heart.

1 comment:

Liz said...

So cute! Why do babies love to pull hair? Hailey still occasionally pulls out huge chunks of Kaitlyn's hair!