Monday, December 31, 2012

Activity Days

 Reese and friends!!

I was called as Activity Day Girl leader.  Which meant a trip to Get Air!!  Amazingly we had more than 20 girls show up!  About 8 of them I have never seen before!  It was so fun and of course Reese had to bring her friends to play with her too!

What November looks like

 Finally found the sidewalk chalk from the move!

 Bronson must have thought it was face paint!

 OH THE CUTE little guy!
 Still bare feet weather

 Homework is done mostly outside ...
 Lemons are almost ripe again!
 Sweetness/silliness from Reese

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

3 of our favorite people came to town

We had my parents and my little sis come for a quick visit.  We got to hang out
with them and go to cool horse shows!!

Then it's not a vacation without going to the beach!

The girls were sad that they had to go to school that day, but we enjoyed our time with the boys.

I always love when they come.  They are so loving and selfless.
They don't mind crying and fussy kids and will even change poopy diapers without being asked!
You could often find my dad in our garage searching for tools and quietly fixing every broken thing in our home.  We had been without an ice maker for nearly a month and he fixed it in one day!
We sure love them and hate to see them go soooooo far away back home ):

Friday, November 02, 2012

Halloween wrap up

 Hudson the Pilot

 Reese the Fairy

 Kendall the Flamingo Dancer

 Savannah is Cleopatra

We had a fun packed week of 
Halloween activities.
::Trunk or Treats
::Designing and carving pumpkins.  The kids did it by themselves this year!
::Jumping at Get Air for the Halloween party
::Trick or treating!  We had 2 fun filed hours with the entire family.
Usually one of us has to go home with a baby or 2 because they are freezing!
We trick or treated in 70 degree weather!  People hang out on their porches and hand out candy here
Also people had out HUGE candy bars to little people!
We got loads of candy and had loads of fun!