That was until I put on my ski pants and could not zip them up......grrrrrrrrr
Alan GRACIOUSLY offered his ski pants and even though I looked like a marshmallow I wore them (:
I got a ton of laughs from all the girls but it was still fun. I stuck to the easier trails but quickly realized why you don't see alot of pregnant skiers. I had to pee after EVERY RUN! The bumps were killing me, but I stuck it out and even though I looked completely ridiculous, I had a blast (:
You are CRAZY!!!! :)
Good for you! I'm glad you didn't belly flop :-)
I agree with Liz, you are CRAZY!!! But such a good crazy! I couldn't even walk at 9 months pregnant, let alone ski! You are an amazing pregnant lady! Good job!
I am not amazing...I just think, I better go while I can! Image the looks if I have to ski with a newborn strapped to me (:
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